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TacoMcNacho Productions Presents

Hello, we are proud to inform you of our two new web series “TacoMcNacho Game Walkthroughs” and “The TacoMcNacho Show” coming May 1st and May 7th, I would now like to inform you what each show will be about.
The first show will have a new episode every Saturday of a game walkthrough with tips and hints at the end With your hosts Taco or McNacho, you will be able to request walkthroughs/tips or hints also via our email (
Coming May 1st
The second show will have a new episode every Friday with your hosts Taco and McNacho. It will be us informing you of the latest, funniest, stupidest interweb/celebrity news.
Coming May 7th
The show names are not yet final.

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